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Charities we support

2025. Charities / Community Interest Corporations
As a seller of ours, let us know who you would like to benefit from our donations on completion. The options for 2025 are:

fc2deecddbea236fb56aa0c46b0e9036 “Ashford Together is a charity working in partnership with the local church and other agencies to serve the people of Ashford, in particular those on the margins and/or experiencing hardship through food or fuel poverty or other influencing factors.  Our main project currently is supporting the highly successful Family, Food & Fun holiday club which runs in various venues across the town, providing a safe space for children to engage in play, craft or other activities and a hot meal.  For the last two years we have run a summer day out to Rare Breeds and in December 2023 hosted a pantomime, followed by a Christmas Dinner for all. “ Elena Arnaudov – Ashford Together
b3dcb8a825c41ed39f342842b70baa91 “Repton Community Trust is a charity dedicated to "putting the heart in communities" working in Kent and East Sussex. Most of our work is based in The Borough of Ashford where we run 'The Peoples Pantry' a community lead food bank with a community shop, 24hr food lockers, kitchen garden, free recipe box scheme and food delivery scheme supporting vulnerable people. We have supported over 12,000 people in Ashford over the last 12 months and are constantly developing new ideas to reduce food insecurity.” Beth Rice – Chief Executive of Repton Community Trust
Family Forward is dedicated to providing a comprehensive, whole-family approach to supporting families through life’s changes by fostering a sense of community and ensuring access to the resources they need for collective well-being.

Through a range of services including a personalised one-to-one consultation conducted with the beneficiary over the telephone or via email, we offer a lifeline of information, advocacy and empowerment, including family court support to help children gain access to both parents.

800a3639282a5c1cbb707f1c446f1133 “Thorne Hedgehog Rescue takes in sick, injured, and orphaned hedgehogs with the aim to rear, treat, rehabilitate and release all that come into the centre. It is run on a self-funded basis but food and other day to day running costs, medications and veterinary bills increase with every intake. To meet my goal of giving the best care possible while never turning a piggy-in-need away, I rely completely on donations.

To help raise funds, I attend events and give educational talks to a large number and wide range of groups and people across Kent, helping to highlight the threats facing our prickly friends and inform people of what we can do to help them, especially now that they have been classified as 'vulnerable to extinction'.” Lisa Steward – Founder

b3d83fb4addb4c1423dcdfd61298f0b8 “The Retreat offers much needed support to all animals - farmed, domestic and wild. Our aims are to educate the public that all animals need commitment, love and respect, also that animals should be neutered to avoid more unwanted litters and are given the care they need. By rehoming animals, we can free space to rescue more abused animals.

All the animals are given the time, veterinary care and love they need to recover before being re-homed. If a suitable home cannot be found they are never killed, they simply stay at The Retreat for the rest of their lives. “ Billy Thompson – Founder

d4c76d8685ff6609a73950aad68fffef “The Friends of William Harvey Hospital support our local NHS hospital in many way - we even pre-date the hospital itself! We raise funds to buy medical equipment and other items that benefit patients, staff, and visitors to WHH. From 'well-done' keyrings for children who brave the MRI machines to life-saving, top-of-the-range, equipment that the NHS simply can't afford. We also provide services that allow WHH staff to request items that benefit patients directly; hair-washing basins, phone-charging stations, chairs. Thank you to everyone for your support." Jill Barringer – Charity Manager

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